

Productivity Blog

From Chaos to Clarity

In today’s fast-paced world, it is very important to be able to get things done efficiently. Just like a machine needs to be in good shape to work well, our minds also need the right circumstances to work their best. Sadly, we are not responsible for creating these circumstances, and

The Power of Mindset: How Your Mindset Impacts Your Productivity

In our fast-paced world, productivity has become a highly valued trait. Whether it’s in our personal or professional lives, we all strive to be more productive and achieve our goals efficiently. While various factors can influence productivity, one often overlooked aspect is the power of mindset. Your mindset, or the

7 Habits to Prevent Procrastination and Boost Productivity

Procrastination is a common struggle that affects people in various aspects of their lives, hindering productivity and causing unnecessary stress. Overcoming this habit requires a conscious effort and the development of positive habits. There are ways to prevent procrastination that could help you break the cycle and boost your productivity

Using Set Shifting to Increase productivity

Using Set Shifting to increase your productivity is one of the best ways to get more done and stay focused.  Set shifting is a cognitive skill that refers to the ability to switch between tasks or mental sets flexibly. It is an important skill for productivity and focus, as it allows

Mindfulness is the antidote to distraction

Distraction is a common experience for most people and one of the biggest productivity killers. From checking social media notifications to thinking about our to-do lists, there are many things that can divert our attention from the task at hand. But what is the science behind getting distracted? The brain’s

How Too Much Planning Can Kill Your Efficiency

How Too Much Planning Can Kill Your Efficiency  How much planning is too much? Productivity is a highly sought-after trait in our modern society. With the ever-increasing demands of work and personal life, individuals are constantly looking for ways to increase their efficiency and achieve more in less time. However,

Getting Disciplined to achieve more!

Getting disciplined to achieve more has never been easier! Discipline is often defined as the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior. But it is actually a crucial aspect of life that allows individuals to achieve success and attain their goals. Have you ever wondered

Are You a Chronic Procrastinator?

Are you a chronic procrastinator? Have you ever postponed a task and promised yourself to do it the next day, only to put it off again and again? Everyone has done this at some point in their life.  We all procrastinate at times, we put off tasks and give in

How to effectively and efficiently plan your day for success – Part 2

Now that we’ve explored the important role that planning has in our success in Part One, let’s have a look at productivity methods to consider.  A few popular methods worth exploring include: The Pomodoro Technique How does it work: Developed by Francesco Cirilo in the late 1980’s, Francesco committed to short

How to effectively and efficiently plan your day for success

Each of us have multiple roles we need to fulfill each day, and with each role, there are multiple priorities all vying for our focus, attention, and time. It can all get a bit much, particularly, if you have not planned and prepared your day, properly. The level of planning

Productivity hacks aren’t always effective!

How many times have you eagerly attempted new productivity hacks or tools and failed to obtain the desired result? Most people live chaotic lives even though there is a wealth of information readily available to them providing all the information necessary to increase their productivity.  Why is it that so

Achieve your goals

Why is it so hard to get clear on my goals?

Why is it so hard to get clear on my goals? Why do I feel completely lost when it comes to deciding what I really want to achieve? We all seem to struggle when it comes to getting crystal clear on what we want. We tend to set the same

How can time tracking help with the training of your team?

Employees who regularly attend training sessions, whether they’re improving their technical skills, communicating more effectively with customers, or building rapport with coworkers, are often far more productive than employees who do not. Organizations know that training is important, but few understand the impact a well-trained workforce can have on their

Increase productivity

15 Strategies to Manage Stress and Burnout

Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that’s different from depression and anxiety in that it’s often tied to a responsibility like your job. If your job causes you excessive stress and fatigue, you may be experiencing burnout. It’s almost impossible to be productive if you are close

Productivity Hack

Ways We Waste Time Without Even Knowing

There are so many ways we waste time without even knowing it. We all want to have endless amounts of time to do what we ultimately love in life, yet time is the one resource we all struggle to manage effectively. We all have the same amount of time and

Breathing Techniques

Six Breathing Techniques to Boost Your Productivity

Workplace burnout and stress are at an all-time high. As employees navigate remote work and the new normal, feelings of discontent at work are starting to rise. And in turn, productivity is plummeting. Did you know that breathing techniques can help to improve your productivity? For those feeling stressed in the

Time Tracking App Increases Work Productivity – Myth or Truth?

An Employee Time tracking app has become a common tool used by most organizations globally. So common that it begs us to ask the question – Is it just a fad that organizations have started adopting, just because their competitors and peers have been doing it? Let’s bust some of

Productivity app

The productivity app that Rize’s above them all

If you want to catapult your productivity to the next level, you simply cannot go without this amazing productivity app. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, ‘I have no idea what I did all day’, ‘I just don’t know where my time is going!’ or, ‘I’m

The Hard Truth About Productivity!

How long have you been wanting to improve your productivity and get more organized? Has it been years, something that you have wanted for so long, you are doubting whether it is possible now? Maybe you are in a new role or job and you now really need to step

Internal communication strategies to improve productivity

For most businesses and companies, high productivity rates are essential aspects of success and growth. In most cases, internal communication will determine how productive employees will be more than you know. Imagine that you’ve gathered a great team of experts to work in your company and improve your business’s achievements.

increase workplace productivity

Top Excel Templates to Increase Work Productivity

Excel has been a valuable tool for workplaces and businesses all around the world. Its flexibility and versatility allow you to conveniently perform a plethora of tasks all in one program and increase work productivity easily. Excel is loaded with features and functionalities that will not only help you save

Productivity Hacks 2021

Productivity Hacks 2021

Productivity hacks 2021 – Here are 5 easy ways for you to increase your productivity and take your results to the next level this year. Get serious about working less and enjoying more! We are almost at the end of quarter one, how productive has the start of this year

Change your life

To change your life, change your priorities!

I have always been passionate and excited about learning how we can positively change our life and continue to create more happiness, joy, success, whatever it is that we ultimately want. What I have learned over the years is that in order to make any change, we first need to

Energy is key to productivity

Energy is Key To Productivity

Most of us want to jump out of bed and feel ready and energetic to start the day. How many of us actually do though? Most of us want to achieve more, but the last place we often look at is our own energy to help us. How often do

“TIME” for a return.

Time for a return! If you are a freelancer, a small business owner, or an entrepreneur, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself the question, ‘What is it going to take for me to succeed in business’? and hopefully, you even ask yourself the question ‘What is it going to take for

3 Questions when procrastinating

Watch this quick video to help you improve your relationship with procrastination or read the text below 🙂 We have all procrastinated, right? And we will continue to do so, why? because procrastination is a part of our brain that’s just giving us some information that we’re not ready to

Direct your energy or it will direct you!

This video is made especially for Freelancers and Entrepreneurs and people working for themselves. If you’re someone like me, you naturally have a lot of energy! What you might not be realizing is that unless you are directing your energy into the places that you want, unless you have some

Are you leaking energy every day!?

I am one of those people who have endless amounts of energy, which is great, but it can come at a huge cost when running my business too! One of the things that started to become very evident in my life, was that getting organized and structured in my days

4 Tips to Boost Efficiency in Your Remote Teams

Working remotely has many benefits for employees and their managers. Telecommuting saves time wasted on useless meetings and commuting and enhances productivity, among others. Despite the upsides of working from home, managing a remote team can be challenging, especially if it’s your first time to adopt it. Here are some



My productivity byte size tip for this week is all about to-do lists. I really hope you still not managing your time from to-do lists. It is not going to help you in being productive in fact it is actually going to just keep you busy, overwhelmed and just make

Business Productivity Boost

Give your business the boost it needs to get to the next level. Identify the leaks and create a roadmap for success. In a short time, you will feel more accomplished, you will enjoy more money in your business and time in your life.

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Personalised Productivity Coaching

Take control of your life and learn how to achieve what you ultimately desire by adopting proven success strategies and psychology. Say goodbye to daily stress, feel more successful and in control of what you want, and catapult your life to the next level.

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Caoching for Business Success

Be the Business Owner you know you can. Develop a mindset geared for success in business and learn the best strategies to achieve your business goals faster. Build a profitable and stress free business. 

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I'm Kirstin O´Donovan

 I’m here to help you embark on your journey toward greater self-love and well-being.