If you have a lot of work on your hands and you cannot handle all of it in an efficient manner, you most probably constantly feel overwhelmed and even completely out of control. Do your days seem to be filled with only doing things that are coming your way, putting out fires, and everything seems urgent? Working this way directly increases the stress in your life, compromises your health and it really doesn´t need to be this way.

The amount of stress you can feel can be very realistic, but it can also be your perspective of the situation and you might also unconsciously be creating most of it yourself. The extent that you get stressed can be better managed and reduced with a few simple changes. If you immediately get stressed as a reaction to something not going your way, or when you are faced with certain challenges or tasks, you may have developed this habit unconsciously. And you can also reduce stress by managing your time more effectively, I’m sure you have heard it before.

How do you reduce stress by improving your time-management?

You need to take back the control of how you conduct your days and manage your time. Not planning ahead and prioritizing your work is the first biggest mistake you could be making. To some, just the thought of doing this puts you off, however, without this; you will find it very difficult to achieve the results you want and really see a return of your investment in time. You can´t spend your days always putting out fires, just meeting deadlines and stressed because you don´t have enough time to do everything. Yes, you do need to work on tasks that are urgent but you also need to do the tasks that are important to do and not urgent and plan your time effectively so you get the most important tasks done.

Always start by planning each day, taking into account your TO DO List, decide what time you will do what task, select a few items and then prioritize them. Do the most difficult task first and don´t plan too much! Be realistic when estimating the time it will take you to complete each task. Take action and follow through on your schedule and what you have decided to do and you will achieve more, be more productive and hence less stressed.

Remember to be assertive and learn to say ¨NO¨. Don´t take on work that is too much for you to complete. If you find that you are spending a lot of time doing things for others that don’t contribute to your own work, you need to really reconsider what you are doing.  It is normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed with the bigger tasks that you have at hand, but these can be broken into smaller tasks and then even delegate some of them to others. Do not work continuously, but take a small break so that the work does not become boring.

Living stressed is not fun, it is not healthy and hinders you from performing at your best. Be proactive in making the changes that will change your life. Improving your time management skills at work will definitely reduce a huge amount of stress, but also make sure you eat healthy and get enough rest and learn more about natural stress relievers .

Life is far more enjoyable living it stress-free!

If you want to learn more about reducing stress at work or how you can be more productive, contact me!

To your Success!


Kirstin ODonovan

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