Effective Time Management Tips for the Entrepreneur – Part 6

Time Management Tip Number 6 – Part 6 is all about expecting to be challenged….

Why is change so hard?

Let’s take a pause and reflect back on how easily you have been able to apply the time management tips given in earlier posts.

Have you been able to apply the tips given effectively? What challenges are coming up for you?  This is something you can expect to happen and in part 6, we will look at why making change is so challenging and why you can expect to be challenged to a certain degree.

To really understand why change is so difficult, we first need to look at what happens when we start to change the way we normally do things.


To think that resistance to change is only mental, is the first problem. Time management is essentially a habit, the way you behave habitually and do things. When we start to change habits, we step out of our comfort zone.

What happens when we do this is that our brain picks up a difference between what is normally expected and the new change and sometimes it goes in panic mode. This used to serve us in the past, when we were fighting for survival on a different level, but it doesn’t serve us so much anymore.

This is called Homeostasis and it is your subconscious natural resistance to change.

Of course, you might not take on change because of other factors, procrastination being the biggest culprit. The point is that you cannot let your feelings and emotions hijack your intentions, you need to push forward.

So if you feel a resistance to making change, it might just be as simple as a natural resistance and nothing more.

Here is something else you need to know…

How your brain is predisposed

On top of our natural resistance to change, what you also need to know is that your brain is always ready to take the easy way out.

Your limbic system (emotional brain) is always on the go, seeking comfort and pleasure and it doesn’t get tired. Your pre-fontal cortex is what tries to tell you to keep moving forward, but most of the time, we give in to our limbic system.

This is normal as well, our limbic system is the oldest part of the brain and our pre-fontal cortex (the planning and decision making) is the newest, so it isn’t strong at all and gets tired very easily. Also, it isn’t on automatic.

How does this relate to time management?

When we think of time management, most people tend to think of time management only as certain tools and tips to implement to manage your time effectively. This is only a fraction of time management.

In fact, time management is related to deeper issues and habits and this is why so many people don’t get results from the traditional advice out there. Often people don’t really link the two.

As an entrepreneur, you need to know that the success of your venture and your bank balance is connected to how you manage your time.

We are not born with the best time management skills and it certainly isn’t something we study in school. In fact, we actually develop more bad habits related to time management than anything else.

Considering that making change is hard as we have a natural resistance and our own brain will always want the easy way out, no wonder it can be so freaking hard to improve the way we manage time and people tend to give up too easily.

It is only those, who persist and go through the hard to get to the best, that will reap the rewards in the end. You need to be bigger than all of this and put results before comfort.

If you let bad habits and comfort dictate your actions, you are simply undermining your results and that is a choice that you make.

What i really want to stress, is the fact that, if you are reading this, you already have a deep desire to change or you might even have to, your happiness may depend on it, whatever the reason, if you want to succeed, I encourage you to keep pushing forward.

If you were not aware of homeostasis and how your brain influences change before, now you are. What you decide to do with this information is up to you, but I suggest you to use it as a tool to push forward when you need it most. Knowledge can be the best tool if we actually apply it.

Don’t forget, you can change your results, you can finally get organized, feel better and less stressed. You are in the driver’s seat and the road you take, is of course, where you will end up!

To your success!!

Did you miss the earlier tips? click on the links below….

Part 1 – Identify your time thieves
Part 2 – Making a few necessary tweaks
Part 3 – Moving Forward
Part 4 – Putting everything together
Part 5 – Planning for success

What comes next?…subscribe to my blog below to receive step 7 on Effective Time Management Tips For the Entrepreneur – the best apps and programs to support you in your business!

To Your Success

Kirstin Odonovan


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I'm Kirstin O´Donovan

 I’m here to help you embark on your journey toward greater self-love and well-being.