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Productivity Apps for Work

There are apps for everything at the moment, but the problem is about half of the apps on our phones are never used. This infographic Davitt Corporate Partners takes you through some apps that will genuinely help with productivity at work.

Google Drive is a must have for anyone who isn’t always working in the office. It lets you log into your files from anywhere in the world on any device. So many people work remotely these days or even work from home a couple of things a week and it’s just so handy to have all your files on the drive.

Another fantastic one is Dropbox as it makes remote file sharing between team members so easy. No matter what file or how big it is, Dropbox lets you sync files across multiple device locations.

The easiest thing to do is download a couple of them to see if they make you more productive. They’re all free but do come with some in app purchases. Check out the full infographic now!

To your Success
Kirstin ODonovan


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I'm Kirstin O´Donovan

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