My productivity byte size tip for this week is all about to-do lists.
I really hope you still not managing your time from to-do lists. It is not going to help you in being productive in fact it is actually going to just keep you busy, overwhelmed and just make you feel like you’ve got a lot of things you need to be doing and you don’t know when you ever going to get them done so no.
Instead start asking yourself what is it that you really want this week what are the results that you are going for, and then what do you want to do in order to get those results in those things you put on your calendar but it’s also really about looking at your non to do list ,so writing a “non To Do List” often we’re spending time in areas and things that we don’t even realise and these things can be easily automated, maybe even delegated and often eliminated.
You are actually going to be freeing up hours a week, you know as much as a day so I invite you know it’s really great exercise once a week every two weeks look back at your week, and say what have I been spending my time on?.
Look at the things you not going to be doing anymore and see how it takes your productivity to the next level.
Have an awesome week ahead.