We all want to be happy and feel fulfilled with our life, it doesn’t seem like much to ask for, yet most of us really struggle to materialize our desires at times. You hear a lot of talk about wanting to make changes to be happier, but most often, there is no action backing it up. The biggest and most common struggle we all face at some stage or another is procrastination. It steals dreams and leaves you feeling disillusioned and helpless.

I remember before I started my business, for years I dreamed about what I would do, but I just never took that first step. Like many people, my own subjective opinion of time was clouding my vision and just before my 30th birthday, I suddenly realized that I had been procrastinating for way too long and I started to panic. Where had all the time gone? Not everyone breaks the procrastination cycle and not everyone’s vision becomes their reality, thankfully I had the tools to overcome my procrastination, if not, I am not sure how much longer I would have put my dream on hold. Many people fight ineffectively with procrastination, not knowing that they can actually have what they want and change their life forever.

Most procrastinators find themselves in a vicious cycle, struggling to break it. I recently wrote an article about how you can break this cycle and finally take a step closer to your dream. If you have ever given up on a dream or settled for less because you can’t seem to push forward, there may just be another way…read on to learn how to break the procrastination cycle

7 Quick time management tips for procrastinators –

  1. Set SMART goals – When you are vague and ambiguous about your goals, or even unrealistic, it is hard to take that first step, set your goals properly.
  2. Break the task into smaller steps – It can be very overwhelming to think about the task as one whole action, break it down to make it more manageable.
  3. Do the worst part first – When you do the worst part first, it makes the rest of the tasks seem like a breeze to complete.
  4. Learn to estimate accurately – When you underestimate how long a task will take, you end up overwhelmed and your planning becomes fruitless.
  5. Plan the time to do the task strategically – If it is a difficult task, plan to do it at a time that you are most energetic and vice versa.
  6. Commit to working on the task for at least 10 minutes – Even if you don’t complete it, at least start it, your efforts will accumulate.
  7. Remove distractions – Make it easier for yourself by removing distractions and try to avoid interruptions if possible.


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