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Your Productivity Is Proportional To Your Ability To Relax

How often do you genuinely feel relaxed? Every day, once a week, once a month? Think about a typical day at the office or wherever you work, do you generally go about your days feeling more relaxed or more uptight? The majority of us don´t do well in anything if you we aren’t really relaxed. Imagine making decisions, negotiating a deal or trying to delegate effectively when you are feeling tense! Being relaxed allows for maximum control and focus in the situation.

When your mind is full with all the stressful things going on in your life and work – it is not productive; it can be distracting and an unnecessary source of stress. The more relaxed and free you feel, the more creative and productive your output.  If you are able to be relaxed and you can focus on what is at hand, in the moment, without over or under reacting to the situation, you will be way ahead of the crowd. Sounds simple? It is, with practice.

If you feel that your mind is occupied with to-do-lists, what you need to remember to do, delegate, say, etc, it really is not your fault, but rather your mind is trying to help you. Your mind is reminding you of the things you mustn’t forget, what you think is important to do, etc; however, it is not actually helping you.

Find out what is stressing you and deal with it. Take advantage of free productivity tools, a favorite of mine is Evernote, a tool that captures anything, your ideas, things you hear and see and you can access it anywhere and it´s free! It helps you to be organized, save your ideas and improve your productivity.

We experience different degrees and types of stress throughout the day and although sometimes stress can be good, when you are stressed most of the day, it isn´t. When you are relaxed, your mind and body, you relieve your body of that stress. Stress seems to be the automatic response to difficult situations, and relaxation is not automatic, it is a skill to practice, to be learned.

When we want to make changes to experience different results, sometimes it is the smallest changes that have the biggest impact. Being more productive does not imply taking on more work, achieving more and more, but rather, increasing your output without reducing the quality.



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I'm Kirstin O´Donovan

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