When I was younger, I really struggled with mornings in general; I just didn’t enjoy them at all. I would get up half annoyed and irritated because I wanted to sleep longer. In my zombie state, I would shower, throw on my clothes, grab my things, and rush out. I...
How to increase productivity ten-fold – How many things do you intend to do but never actually end up doing? A lot, a little, are you even aware? If the extent of your productivity is determined by the amount of things you do get done compared to the amount of...
Imagine feeling completely organized and stress free; imagine never feeling overwhelmed or frustrated again. You arrive at work, you get what you need done and you leave each day with an immense sense of achievement. You go home and work is forgotten until the next...
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the apps out there? I am sure we all do from time to time, but I am certainly not complaining. Applications have undoubtedly improved our lives in uncountable ways; the only challenge is weaving through all the hundreds of...
How often do you leave work wondering where all the time went? How often do you feel that you could have achieved more that day? If you answered ‘yes’, it might be that your day consists of putting out fires and jumping aimlessly from task to task. Are you crystal...
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